Advertisement Boards Available!

If you are a local business owner, then we have a fantastic opportunity to advertise your company while also supporting our club & grassroots football!

We currently have three men’s adult teams as well as our veteran’s team and youth teams at most ages between Under 7s & Under 16s providing exercise and entertainment for many local people. With these teams however come expenditures every season for kit, equipment, pitch maintenance, league affiliations and much more and our sponsors are vital to the continued existence of Milborne Port Football Club.

To aid the club’s existence and growth, we are now selling advertising boards at The Memorial Playing Fields. These boards will initially be along the far touchline (East Hill side) of the main pitch at The Rec but with scope for some behind the two goals as-well.

Made from durable materials by Yeovil based YellowBox Solutions, an 8ft x 2ft advertisement board costs just £250 pounds for the first year & £150 for each subsequent year. However, the boards won’t just be up during the football season though as they will stay up through the summer too, meaning your company’s logo & contact details will be visible to the many visitors to the Memorial Playing Fields year-round.

If you would be interested in purchasing an advertising board, please contact us at



